Wednesday, August 12, 2009
A Belated Introduction to Our Blog
We want this to be a place we can communicate with our current customers and where prospective customers can come to get to know us a little bit. Some of what you read here will be very specific to Midland, other entries will be of more general interest…however closely or tangentially related to our jobs here.
What it won’t be is one long spam-fest masquerading as open communication. I resent being subjected to spam and I’m sure you do, too. We want this to be informative and fun and not a self-indulgent tribute to our awesomeness.
That’s not to say I don’t think Midland is an awesome company to work for – I actually do. I’ve worked for companies for whom I’d never have blogged (you know that old saying, “if you don’t have anything nice to say…”)
I was thinking about that the other day. In this economy it’s de rigueur to feel grateful just to be working. I’m lucky – I’m grateful to work here and that’s not a trivial distinction. It’s not a perfect gig – my parking spot is on the banks of Bubbly Creek and once toner leaked all over my desk (what a mess) – we all have our burdens. But I work with talented and amazing people every day and I’ve never once had to choose between my integrity and my paycheck since I signed on with Midland. You can’t beat that.
Let me assure you this will be my one and only entry about blogging itself. Jeff Atwood rails against the concept of meta-blogging so much better than I, on his website Coding Horror. If you're like me and abhor the concept of blogging about blogging it's a good read.
Jamie Brezinski - Director of IT
Friday, August 7, 2009
Midland News

Midland Metal Products is pleased to announce the release of our new web site WWW.MIDLANDMETALPRODUCTS.COM.
The site offers a fresh, new look at our company including detailed information about our storied 85 year history, our diverse capabilities, and the materials we fabricate. The site also contains a detailed portfolio showing examples of our work and our collaboration with our customers. Finally, the site addresses our sustainability efforts, a topic of constant interest to our customers.
Over the past several years, the point of purchase industry has undergone some dramatic changes. Globalization, retail consolidation, and new technologies have presented every company in this industry with both opportunities and challenges.
To secure our future, we have and will continue to invest heavily in our people, capital equipment, and technology. Although we are proud of our accomplishments, our work is not done. Our loyal customers expect us to provide a quality product, at a competitive price, within an increasingly compressed time frame. We intend to meet and exceed these expectations by improving our company continuously.
The web site presents our story as told today. We will update you with our monthly newsletter and the web site changes as our story of metal fabricating for the 21st Century continues to unfold.