As many of you may be aware - Midland joined forces with Concept Designs earlier in the year on a Wii Lockbox that is currently being installed into many children's hospitals around the country. The first run, with which you all helped, was for 50 units to be tested and then rolled out on a much bigger scale across the country.
"This inaugural effort has been made possible through the generous donations from several corporate sponsors like Midland and its employees. This first set of Lockboxes are being placed at Lucille Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford. They allow the children with cancer, who are in forced isolation, to play, get physical exercise, interact, and momentarily take their minds off of the physical and emotional pain of cancer treatment.
Again, your generous work for this effort will be helping children with cancer across the country and we offer our sincere thanks." - Louis Hsaio, Concept Designs.
And below is some reaction from the hospital about how the project has been received.
A six year old boy fighting cancer has not stopped playing with his kidsSTRONG WiiStation since it arrived in his bone marrow transplant “isolation” room last month. His grandmother is enjoying playing games with him too.
This was the story we heard today when we visited a children’s cancer hospital to check in on the kidsSTRONG Wii therapy pilot.
Hospital personnel told us:
➢ The kidsSTRONG WiiStation system is a Godsend!
➢ The systems are easy to install and manage.
➢ These systems really do allow children touched by cancer to be kids first and patients second!
➢ They let them have a normal life again.
➢ Thank you kidsSTRONG!
Thank you all for your work on this project!